Yeah! So far 10 classmates have filled out the online survey. Thanks, John Rauk, Scott Salter, Dora (Wendt) Chappa, Tom Haight, Jean (Reyes) Kirst, Lisa (Nowak) Zimmerman, Dan Murphy, Eric Thompson, Debbie (Stoll) Steingraeber, and me.
Sorry that you can't see the others' answers to the survey there. I used the free version of zoomerang, cuz I'm too cheap to pay the $19/month for the pro version. I will start putting up some of the results here on the blog once more people have responded. I won't publish your address, phone, or email on this blog. I don't want the telemarketers or spammers to find you.
All the mailers have been sent out except for people I didn't have addresses for. They include: Darrel Schade, Bonnie Schultz, Kim Stracy, and Mike Ehlenfeldt. If you have info on these people let me know. I will probably add to the list as some mailers come back "return to sender,"
Please try to fill out the online survey or the paper one by April 1st, and please let me or Fritz know by then whether you plan on attending or not.
If you're interested, about 10 of us are on FACEBOOK. If you want to catch up with us, you can find us there.
Master of the grill and his apprentice
5 years ago
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