Markesan - Jean Kirst, Fritz Kelly, Lori (C.) Krueger, Lori (P.) Krueger, Mike Bengston, Lisa Zimmerman, Jon Clark
Cambria - Dan Murphy
Sturgeon Bay - Tom Haight
Texas - Eric Thompson
California - Lisa Coleman
Sheboygan - Dora Chappa
Illinois - Scott Salter
Missouri - Lisa Hall
Randolph - Brenda Kwakkel
Madison - Julie Doxtator
Milwaukee - Michelle De Vorse
Ripon -Lori Minch, Jody Amend, Wanda Disterhaft
Iraq - Jeff Hare
De Pere - Gwen Henslin
Benton - Karen Ihm
Washington - Paula Arndt
Princeton - Glenn Cattanach
Maryland - Wanda Cintron
North Carolina - Paul Voigt
Marquette - Jeff Marquart
West Bend - Duffer Durkee
Fon du Lac - Lou Lindow
Waupun - Kathy Fox
Friesland - Roger Wuerch
some of you I wasn't sure by your responses, so some of you were left off, or a couple of these may be wrong, let me know
Master of the grill and his apprentice
5 years ago